Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Easter We Lost

The Easter that We Lost

Easter has been lost,
Or so it seems to me,
Too weak to hold its own,
Eclipsed by what could be.
The subversive,
The unseen,
The virus.

Easter has succumbed,
We never thought it would.
Lost in all the noise,
Buried with the good.
It failed.
It was weak.
It was overcome.     

Easter is forgotten.
No Easter plans this year.
Family gatherings canceled,
Peace overcome by fear.
Instead contagions.
Instead stay home.
Instead keep distance.

But truth is always true,
Whether or not it’s heard
No matter if it’s quiet,
Or if the lines seem blurred.
          Light conquers dark.
          Light overcomes.
          Light is risen.

But truth is always true,
Its presence ever near,
Dwells inside our hearts.
Erases every fear.
          Our strength is in God.
          Our hope is sure.
          Our future accomplished.

But truth is always true,
And light will always win.
Maybe it was never about
The thing it’s always been.
          Instead the power of Grace.
          Instead the power of God.
          Instead the power of the Resurrection.

                   Instead the power of Truth.

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