Tuesday, March 14, 2017

You Are Not Alone

Don't be sad; you are not alone. You aren't the only one, and you aren't the first one to feel this way. It's just a bad day, but it won't be this way forever.

I promise. I know.

My disease is degenerative and incurable, and recovery is medically impossible. But medical science is not my savior; prescription drugs are not my only hope, and doctors are not my gods.

If your hope runs dry, it might be that you are looking for it in the wrong places. The well of hope will never be dry once you discover it's source. So, where should you be looking for your hope?

Look to God and His Word.
Look to holistic methods and natural solutions created by Him.
Look to friends and family who love you and hold your best interests in their hearts.

The best remedy for pain is to help someone else. Lift up your head and look around. Sometimes our pain subsides in the presence of greater despair than our own. Instead of living life looking for what you need, live it looking for what you can give. You may not feel like taking food to a new mom, but you can surely pick up the phone and have a pizza delivered to her door!

Another remedy is prayer. Pray. But pray differently this time: pray that God would lift up your head and give you the courage to bless someone's life today; that your words and actions would be honey to their soul and strength to their spirit.

You are not alone today.

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