Monday, July 20, 2015

Hope Unfolds

Today we went to see the Lymphadema Draining Specialist, and it was quite an experience. My husband believes, and I agree, that this Life Wellness Clinic is going to be able to drastically decrease, if not eliminate, the lymphatic swelling in my feet, legs, arms, stomach, and neck.

As I explained in an earlier post, the lymphatic fluid is the "soap" of your system, and it's important for it to run efficiently, for obvious reasons. What I didn't know is that years of a sluggish system results in overload on your kidney, liver, and spleen. Before you unclog your lymph system, the kidneys, liver, and spleen need to be clean and functioning well enough to accept the overload of debris that will be released when opening up the lymph blockages.

We started by sitting down with the specialist and orally giving her my entire medical history, which she carefully noted (thank you, Yolanda, for not making me write it all down!). During that time, we did a foot bath. The water in the foot bath eventually changed colors and started to bubble, which indicated to the specialists what kind of cellular debris was stagnant in my system. In my case, it was heavy metals and stagnant lymph fluid (no surprise there!).

At that point, we took pictures and measurements of my feet and legs, and treated them with peppermint oil and cream to open up the lymph nodes. I moved from the chair to the treatment table, where the Yolanda dimmed the lights, placed a pillow under my head and knees, put on relaxing music, and covered me because I was cold.

All settled in now, the other specialist, Joshua, began applying acupressure to the lymph nodes in my feet, primarily to find out how my body would react. He was able to open one node enough that I could actually feel the fluid pushing through the previously blocked node. He said I had come just in time because the acid blocking my system was beginning to become encased, and that would have been a much bigger challenge.

When Joshua first applied pressure, he would ask me to tell him what level of pain the pressure was causing, in terms of a 1-10 rating. As  he continued to push and hold these pressure points, the pain would eventually disappear as the blockage began to give way. We stopped after just a few minutes because our goal today was simply to discover how my body would respond.

In preparation for my next visit in a week, I am supposed to be hydrating my body with alkaline water, which "power washes" my system. Additionally, I am to eliminate corn, peas, potatoes, dairy products, citrus fruits, and red meat, as these are high-acid foods. Lastly, I will take a cocktail made of a couple of juices, vinegar, and distilled water three times daily. When I return for my next appointment (next Monday), I should be sufficiently hydrated and the acid in my system should be sufficiently decreased that we could see progress in the acupressure treatments for the swelling in my feet and legs. The minimum expected time of treatment is 90 days. The specialists show you how to take care of your own swelling, should it re-occur.

Yolanda asked me to journal each day about how I am feeling -- both the good and the bad so we would know what to work on in our next session; i.e., what works and what doesn't. So... guess what? You get to see my journal since I plan to do it in blog form online.

When I left, Yolanda gave me her cell number and invited me to text her any time, and she gave me the warmest hug.

I'm beginning to dare to hope that this might actually work. I think that cleaning my system has to be good for my Parkinson's Disease. A working lymphatic system would help detox my body of heavy metals, and would boost my immune system. I can only guess at what kind of impact that might make on my symptoms.

The expectation set by Yolanda during our hour-long introductory phone conversation was that they may be able to reduce my swelling by 70%, and eliminate my asthma and heart palpitations. She did not promise any progress on my Parkinsons, but part of me has to think it's all related.

Here's hoping I'm right!

Thank you for your prayers.

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