Friday, October 9, 2015

There Will Always be "Those Days..."

I don't know what it was about this day...

Whatever it was, I wasn't sure I was going to survive it. But clearly, I did.

Work was challenging, having to deal with the stresses that go along with lending, walk-in members, scheduled appointments, and technical difficulties. When I left, I walked away from phone calls not returned, paperwork not completed, stacks of papers littered across my desk in no particular order, and at least 20 unanswered emails.

By the time I headed home, tears weren't far away. All it took was a couple of horn-honking, hot-headed road ragers to bring the tears brimming over and rolling down my cheeks. Mean people. Usually I have a lead-foot and I'm pushing the cars in front of me. Tonight, somehow I wasn't fast enough. Someone honked at me because I didn't turn right in front of rapidly approaching traffic. Someone else honked at me when I turned left onto my road because, apparently, I didn't turn fast enough. That was the last straw. I walked into my house bawling my eyes out, and let my husband put me to bed for a rest before dinner.

When things like today happen, it's so easy to feel sorry for myself. It's so easy to let the snowball of miseries start developing. It's so easy to start down the road of anxiety about Parkinson's and how it's going to eventually affect me.

But tonight I will not allow it. I will not allow it because I specifically remember hitting a mental milestone, turning a corner. I remember deciding to keep a positive attitude. I remember blogging about it. I remember it's within my control, and I don't have to allow myself to go down that road.

So, here I am on a rough Friday night, declaring that it's okay. And it is.

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